Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome back to school and the year 2 page. All your teachers are extremely excited to be part of your learning journey at Crossley Hall Primary School and we have planned some extremely exciting events. This page is your first ‘port of call’ for up-to-date and the most relevant information for Year 2.

Our Staff

Our Class Teachers

Miss King                                Mrs Mason                            Miss Ashfaq

Our Learning Support Staff

Miss Riaz                                 Miss Mansha                     Mrs Grey



Look at what we are learning!




At Crossley Hall Primary School, we love reading!

 These are just some of the books we will read during our time in Year 2:



Recommended Reads

Here are some more books that you will also love if you are in Year 2



Click the links below to access the educational websites that we use in school and at home.

Oxford Owl

Purple Mash

 TT Rock Stars


Here are a few more websites and resources that you can use to keep learning at home.


Reading Read Write Inc. Phonics – Ruth Miskin Phonics Training
Maths 1 minute maths (free app linked to White Rose Maths)

Jack Hartman – count together in 10s

Shape Song

Wider Curriculum  BBC Bitesize-KS1 Geography

BBC Bitesize KS1 Science

BBC Bitesize – KS1 History

BBC Bitesize PHSE and Citizenship


Continents Song

Oceans Song

Cauliflowers Fluffy