Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome back to school and to our year group’s page. Your teachers are extremely excited to be working with you this year and are already planning lot of exciting activities. This page is your first ‘port of call’ for up-to-date information.


6V – Vultures
Our class Teacher is: Miss Hayton

Support staff are: Mrs Hodgson

6W – Wombats
Our class Teacher is: Miss Kauser

Support staff are: Miss Khan

6Z – Zebras
Our class Teacher is: Miss Blackstone

Support staff are: Mrs Race and Mrs Khalifa

What’s on this term?

Please click on the links below to see what the children are learning this term:

Year 6 Autumn 2 Whats On

Parental Information

PE Kits:

Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms

White t-shirt

Black sweatshirt for outdoor PE

Pumps or trainers – children cannot participate in PE with bare feet.

We endevour to conduct most of our PE lessons outside, unless of inclement weather.

Interesting Websites

Maths SATs Sample Paper
Reading SATs Sample Paper
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar SATs Sample Paper

Planning for this Academic Year

Year 6 2023 2024 LTP.docx