
Our Vision:

At our school every child matters and we strive to ensure that all our children are well cared for and enjoy learning in a happy and safe environment. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum focusing on active learning which ensures that all of our pupils regardless of background or need, leave us equipped with the academic, social and emotional skills required for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.

Our Curriculum Drivers

Curriculum Intent – How we design our curriculum:

The Crossley Hall Curriculum has been designed to reflect the need for an inclusive, language rich, and experiential curriculum. It is driven by our school values and aspirations for our children’s future. This ensures that all children make good progress and attain well, regardless of their starting points, and enable us to continually strive for academic excellence.

At Crossley Hall, our curriculum has been thoughtfully designed considering the needs of our children and our school context. We provide our pupils with knowledge, skills and experience to begin to practice, develop and understand their strengths, talents and passions. In addition we want our children to leave us being prepared for the next phase in their education but also becoming respectful citizens who are proud of their heritage and their locality. 

Beyond the classroom:

We believe in the whole child approach at Crossley Hall and therefore, staff and leaders pride themselves in making the most of every opportunity to embed learning further. All year groups plan visits for each term which link to specific curriculum areas providing real-life, hands-on experiences for our pupils. We have numerous visitors in school from authors, public service employees and trained staff to lead targeted workshops. The intention is to provide our pupils with challenging, exciting and different experiences to help them learn


Leaders and staff have collectively taken ownership of the Crossley Hall Curriculum and have written it in partnership. Through in depth discussions with subject leaders and staff, together we have created a curriculum that is right for our children, giving them what they need to not only be successful at the next stage in their education but also in life. It is based on a sequence of progressive skills and knowledge that builds year on year. Its focus is fluency and application through experience and language. Our carefully crafted curriculum is implemented as children join us in nursery and move to ensure we build on knowledge skills and understanding as children move through our school, year or year. At Crossley Hall, we follow the National Curriculum.

The school has reviewed and updated their Medium Term Plans which can be viewed on the class pages.

We also have Class pages which demonstrate all the exciting learning activities that happen in the classroom. 

Curriculum Impact

The impact of the curriculum is evident in the outcomes for all our pupils. The most recent publications show that our children make great progress from their starting points and by the end of KS2 they are broadly in line with National Expectations.

Our approaches:

Click on the subjects below to learn more about how we teach them at Crossley Hall Primary School


Reading Read Write Inc (N – Year 3), Whole class reading (Y4-6)
Phonics Read Write Inc
Writing  Read Write Inc (N – Year 3), CHPS Writing Strategy (Y4-6)
Maths White Rose Maths
RE Believing and Belonging 
PSCHE Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship (SCARF)
Computing Purple Mash
Music Junior Jam
Languages (French) Language Angels