
All children should wear school uniform at all times.

School uniform is as follows:

  • White polo shirt with or without logo
  • Purple sweatshirt with or without logo
  • Black sweatshirt for Year 6 pupils
  • Grey trousers/pinafore dress/skirt
  • Grey or white socks
  • Black shoes – low heeled (no trainers)

In Summer, pupils are able to wear:

  •  Purple checked dress
  • Grey shorts and white polo shirt
    or children may continue to wear the winter uniform

Children should also have hats and sun cream for hotter days.


  • A pair of pumps
  • White T-shirt
  • Black shorts, leggings or PE skirt.
  • Children may wear a tracksuit and trainers for outdoor games

CHPS Uniform Statement

All children must come in PE kit on their PE days.

It is essential that all school clothing, PE clothing, pump bags and footwear are marked with your child’s name. 

School uniform can be purchased from the following suppliers:

Natasha’s Schoolwear, 37 Westgate, Bradford, BD1 2QT

Embroidery in House, 182 Highgate Road, Clayton Heights, Bradford BD13 1DS

If your child is entitled to benefits based free school meals, a uniform voucher will be issued during the summer term.  The voucher can be redeemed with both suppliers.

Please see the attached prices for school uniform:

Natasha Schoolwear Price List 2024 – Crossley Hall Primary School