As a values-led school, our curriculum is underpinned by promoting inclusion, happiness and raising aspirations. It is through these values that we develop the whole child. We believe that the skills we equip our children with will enable them to go into the world as curious, independent thinkers who are able to appraise and consider any views they are exposed to. 

PSHE Subject Intent 

It is our intent that children are provided with the tools and skills needed to lead a happy and successful adult life. Through the delivery of our curriculum each year children will build on their prior learning enabling them to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships and build their self-efficacy. Furthermore, the curriculum promotes the children’s spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical developments, at school and in society.

Key features of our PSHE curriculum:  

  • Parent consultations (2021) have helped in the development and delivery of our Relationship and Health Policy.  
  • Each lesson is delivered within a safe learning environment. 
  • Subject knowledge is built on each sequential year. 
  • Cross-curricular links are made throughout the year e.g. science; changes to the human body and RE; exploring family, values and morals, and the celebration of marriage in different traditions.

We follow the Coram Life Education syllabus. The planning related to this syllabus enables us to ensure that each aspect of the PSHE curriculum is covered in depth. There is a clear focus on speaking and listening and respect for each other when participating in lessons. Children are given regular opportunities to share their opinions, challenge others and be challenged themselves.

Organisation of teaching and learning  

  • Early Years – Weekly 30 minute
  • KS1 – Weekly 30 minute 
  • KS2 – Weekly 30 minute



We plan from the syllabus, but we plan for our children.

  • Long term plans outline the units to be covered in each term, during each Key Stage.
  • Lesson plans provided by the SCARF identify learning objectives and outcomes for each unit, as well as indicating the skills being taught. Teachers can amend the LTP to ensure learning is maximised.
  • Teaching reinforces key vocabulary relating to the topic as well as recapping vocabulary that children have learnt in previous years. 



PSHE is evidenced in Floor books. These must include the following criteria:

  • The unit and lesson that has been delivered
  • The skill they are learning.
  • Key vocabulary used within the lesson
  • Interesting responses to key questions being posed



  • The SCARF resources are used by all classes for planning, resources and activities. 
  • Vocabulary document provides teachers with the language needing to be explicitly taught in the topics being delivered 
  • Teaching videos can be viewed on the SCARF website
  • SCARF specialist to deliver elements of the RSE curriculum 


Monitoring Procedures 

Quality of teaching and learning of PSHE at Crossley Hall Primary School is monitored by:

  • Conducting a planning scrutiny (termly)
  • Pupil Voice Survey (termly)
  • Lesson observations take place in all classes throughout the year. 

The subject leader is responsible for monitoring attainment and progress, the outcomes of which are fed back to staff at an appropriate time. 


Whole School PSHCE LTP