As a values-led school, our curriculum is underpinned by promoting inclusion, happiness and raising aspirations. It is through these values that we develop the whole child. We believe that the skills we equip our children with will enable them to go into the world as curious, independent thinkers who are able to appraise and consider any views they are exposed to.
P.E Subject Intent
It is our intent that children will learn about the key skills needed to engage in a wide range of sports. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident, to support with and learn about the importance of staying healthy and the effects on body. Throughout the P.E curriculum the core values will be embedded to allow children to build character through practising the social and emotional skills, such as fair play and respect. Together, the combination of skills and knowledge will give children the drive to participate, compete and excel in sport.
Key features of our P.E curriculum:
We work alongside Sports UK to deliver from ‘PE planning’. We have a sports coach that works alongside our teachers to deliver the content from PE planning, provided from Sports UK. This allows teachers to be upskilled in teaching PE, by watching and supporting the coaches during PE lessons. The planning ensures consistency and progression of skills are learnt through many different types of sports. During KS2, children participate in Swimming lessons.
Organisation of teaching and learning
Each lesson consists of:
Warm up
Skill development
Skill Practise – Through games
Cool down
Plenary: Knowledge Check
Monitoring Procedures
Quality of teaching and learning of RE at Crossley Hall Primary School is monitored by:
Teacher Survey (Beginning/End of Year)
Lesson Observation ( Spring and Summer)
Pupil Voice (Spring/Summer)
The subject leader is responsible for monitoring attainment and progress, the outcomes of which are fed back to staff at an appropriate time.
PE Curriculum Mapping – Intent