What are we doing?
Crossley Hall Primary School is currently only open to the children of Critical Workers or to those who are vulnerable.
At Crossley Hall, we are doing a number of things to minimise the risk and spread of infection. These include:
- Advice and guidance issued by the Department of Education and Public Health England are reviewed daily by the Head of School and Executive Head Teacher. These updates are then used to help us develop and inform our contingency plans.
- We have strengthened out daily cleaning routines and placed an increased focus on the cleaning of classrooms and toilets.
- Each classroom has been provided with hand sanitiser which is used regularly throughout the day.
- A Hand Sanitizer dispenser has been installed outside every classroom for us on entry.
- Each classroom has been provided with anti-bacterial spray allowing tables to be wiped down in-between learning sessions.
- Toilets are checked regularly, cleaned each lunchtime and hand soap is topped up 3 times a day.
- Extra time is given to the children each day to wash their hands especially before lunch. They are supervised in doing this to ensure this task is complete properly.
- Our arrangements of bubbles means that contact between children and classes is minimized each day.
- Our Relationship Policy has been adapting to ensure staff and pupils are socially distance whilst we continue to drive forward our high expectations for our pupils.
- We only allow essential visitors into school. All visitors are emailed our visitor risk assessment in advance of their visits so that they know what to expect. If possible, we arrange visits for after 3.30pm when there are less people in the building.
- During the autumn term, we will not be allowing parents into school unless essential and arranged by appointment.
- There will be no school trips during the autumn term.
- We have adjusted our curriculum plans to ensure learning missed during the last 5 months is quickly caught up.
- We have a new learning platform – Google Classroom – which will support learning at home should we need to use it.
- We are creating a well being strategy to ensure we support the emotional and mental health needs of your children.
- We are currently preparing home learning packs in case we are instructed to close.
We hope this information provides you with an update but also recognise that this is an ever evolving situation and one we are reviewing daily. Please be reassured that we will continue to make measured decisions in the best interests of the whole school community whilst following the guidance provided by the Department of Education and Public Health England. We know you will all have many questions but would ask that where possible, you contact the office via telephone. As the situation changes we will update you again.